EXTRAORDINARY OPENINGS on 8 December, 26 December, 2 January and 6 January. Online booking:
Two viewing shifts: 11.00 and 15.30 Costs: Adults € 7 - Children € 5
Info: Segreteria Coop.Itinera tel. 0586 894563
We are waiting for you!
Mining Museum: Extraordinary Openings
The Mining Museum (Montecatini Val di Cecina) will be open to the public on Wednesday 8 December, Sunday 26 December, Sunday 2 January and Thursday 6 January with two shifts of guided life at 11.00 and 15.30. Reservation required and purchase of tickets online on the reservations page. The green pass is required for access.
Eventi Comune Montecatini Val di Cecina
Alimentari/Edicola Pane Gusto & Fantasia di Serena Ghilli
Piazza della Repubblica 22 Montecatini Val di Cecina (PI)
Tel +39058830177
Cell e Whatsapp +393475804173